Class ST

 Unit 6 "Me, Myself and my Future Job"...

Unit 3 " Imaginary creatures" 

Unit 3 vocabulary

Αντιγράφω 3 φορές τις λέξεις στο τετράδιο και απαντώ στις ερωτήσεις του φυλλαδίου μέσα από το κείμενο του βιβλίου...

Comparisons Part 1

Διαβάζω τους κανόνες και λύνω τις ασκήσεις. Αντιγράφω 3 φορές στο τετράδιο τα επίθετα και με αυτά λύνω τις ασκήσεις στο Workbook...

Comparisons Part 2

Διαβάζω τους κανόνες και λύνω τις ασκήσεις.

Comparisons Part 3

Διαβάζω τους κανόνες και λύνω τις ασκήσεις.

Grammar worksheet

Λύνω τις ασκήσεις.

Τhe Fifty-cent Piece Story

Διαβάζω την ιστορία από το Listening του βιβλίου για να την καταλάβω καλύτερα και να κάνω τις ασκήσεις στο Workbook...

Let's learn about Europe....

Στις 26 Σεπτεμβρίου γιορτάζουμε την Ευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα Γλωσσών. Ας μάθουμε λοιπόν λίγα πράγματα για την Ευρώπη μέσα από παιχνίδια...

European Day of Languages video

The puzzle of Europe

Let's explore Europe

Let's find the landmarks

Let's find the flags

Let's travel in Space...

Space vocabulary video

Watch the video and learn the vocabulary...

 Vocabulary game

Now play this game to check yourself....

Let's travel in Space with Doctor Who...

Doctor Who trailer

Do the preparation first, watch the trailer and do the "chek your understanding" task...

Doctor Who worksheet

After you watch the trailer do the exercises...

Let's Eat Out Today...

Eating out listening practice

Do the preparation first, look at the restaurant menu, listen to the dialogue and do the 2 exercises that follow....

At the Restaurant Worksheet

Now do the exercises on the worksheet or on your notebook...

Jobs and people at work...

People at work listening practice

Do the preparation first, listen to the people talking and do the 2 exercises that follow.

Reading practice

Do the preparation first, read the job advertisements and do the 3 exercises tht follow.

Jobs and people at work...

Jobs vocabulary games

Play the 3 games to remember and learn about different jobs in English...

Jobs vocabulary worksheet

Now do the exercises to check what you hae learned...

Are you a good friend?...

A poem about friendship

Listen to the poem and play the games. First do the preparation for help...

The poem in writing

Read the poem to understand better...

Let's find out how good friend you are...

Poem worksheet

Listen to and read the poem again and do the exercises...

Questionnaire about friendship

Answer the questions about yourself and check your score in the end...


Let's play Hangman...

Hangman game

Play Hangman and other games on this site...

Do you speak English?...

5 reasons to learn English video let's keep on learning!

How to speak every language

Watch this really funny video...

How many languages do you speak?...

Hello in 46 languages video

Watch the video and do the next worksheet...

Languages worksheet

For the answers you don't know surf the internet for help...

A present for Mum....

I love My Mum because....

Complete the sentences about your mum...

A letter to Mum...

Read the instructions and write a letter to your mum together with a drawing for her...

Αnd for the Art lovers...

Play the game you liked...

Let's get ready for next year....

Διαγνωστικό τεστ Αγγλικών Α΄ Γυμνασίου

Γράψε τις απαντήσεις σε ένα έγγραφο word ή σε απλό χαρτί και στείλε τις με mail για να δεις το σκορ σου...

Let's talk about Bullying today...

A bullying story

Watch the video carefully. Do the preparation task first and then the games that follow the video...

Now let's work on the video...

The video in writing

The video worksheet

First read the video story and then do the exercises on the worksheet or your notebook...

Now it's your turn to become a chef...

We Are the World song practice...

What a Wonderful World song practice...

Επανάληψη στα κεφάλαια του βιβλίου μας...

units 1-4 practice

Επιλέγω πάνω με τη σειρά τα μαθήματα των τεσσάρων κεφαλαίων που έχουμε κάνει και κάνω όλες τις ασκήσεις εμπέδωσης...

Let's travel around the world...

Do you remember Geography?? Watch and learn...

Let's remember Countries and Nationalities...

Let's play with Geography...

And a game with Countries and Capitals...

Let's go on a tour of London...

Πριν ακούσω κάνω την άσκηση Preparation ακριβώς πάνω από την εικόνα για να με βοηθήσει να καταλάβω τα αξιοθέατα του Λονδίνου. Επίσης τις άλλες δύο ασκήσεις τις κάνω την ώρα που ακούω...

 Now let's see what you remember from London...

And now let's meet David from London...

Let's remember our normal everyday routine...

Watch carefully...

Let's remember our everyday habits...

And now let's play with present simple...

Some more grammar revision...

And some online grammar revision...

Let's have fun with Mr Bean..

Watch the video carefully...

And now let's see what you remember...

Now try to practise with foods of the world...

Let's talk on the phone...

Let's practise our speaking skills...

Let's play a board game...

And now do this short test online...

Some grammar practice for you... 

And now some grammar practice...

Try out this quiz on line...

Let's work a little!!

Listen and fill in the gaps!!

Για οσους δεν το έχουν ήδη λάβει με mail....

try this on line,print or copy it!

Let's start with an easy listening test!!!

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Welcome Back to School!!!   Αγαπητά μου παιδιά επιστρέψαμε επιτέλους στο σχολείο έστω και κάτω από περίεργες συνθήκες.... Καλή μας αρχή με υ...